Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Traditions

My Dad has been in charge of a couple of our Christmas Eve traditions for many years.  These include making cinnamon rolls from scratch and homemade Italian covatelli (gnocchi), like my Great-Grandma Morgan used to make when my dad was a kid.
This cookbook is older than me.
The recipe my dad follows for cinnamon rolls.
Uncle Jon Jon has been in charge of chopping nuts for the cinnamon rolls since I can remember.  This year, he pawned off his ONE job on Avery and Kayla.  Betty Crocker sweatshop!!
Just kidding.  Like the awesome uncle he is, he included the kids in this task and made sure they had a good time.

Just a few of the ingredients for the cinnamon rolls.
Paw Paw explaining the art of baking to Avery.
 Watching the dough get mixed up (I am sure there is a technical baking term for this, but alas, I do not know what it is).
 This Kitchen Aid mixer is also older than I am.  They just don't make kitchen appliances like they used to....

Rolling out the dough after it rose and then spreading the nuts and cinnamon/sugar mixture on top.  YUM.
 Rolling it up!
 Almost there!
 Slicing the dough.  Look at that yummy swirl of sugary goodness.
Just a few of the tools needed for this job.
 Cinnamon rolls ready to go into the oven to bake....
 ....and now they are ready to go into my tummy to eat!
I want to add that I was of NO help, whatsoever, with the making of the cinnamon rolls.  I merely took pictures and observed.  I did partake in the eating part, Kayla says, "Yummy in my tummy!".
Now, onto the covatelli!  Paw Paw made the dough from scratch and then rolled it out.  He cuts it into little pieces and then our job is to roll them with our fingers.
This stuff is better than playdough!
 Nice job, Kayla!
 A Jean Team effort.
 The final product.  You won't find this yummy dish at the Olive Garden!!

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