Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Gotta Have My Pops

Mum's the Word

As the family's main photographer, I don't get to be included in a lot of Avery's photos. I probably make as few appearances as our DOGS. Ouch!

Let It (Not) Snow

Yeah, Charleston got snow this past weekend; about 3-5 inches in some areas. The Jean Family has not been here long enough to be impressed or excited. Being snowed-in in Columbus, Ohio with 12+ inches of the annoying white fluffy stuff the weekend before also did not help my mood. But I gotta say, it's a surreal experience to see snow in a swamp or on a palm tree. And I guess snow is okay when you can wear flip flops and no jacket the next day. :)

The snowcovered wetlands on the edge of our property.

Our neighbor's palm trees.

The only thing that saved this snowman's butt 12 hours after it snowed is the fact that it was built in the shade.

Sorry, we don't have any pictures of Avery playing in the snow. We're trying to keep him healthy for Uncle Jon-Jon's wedding next week. Besides, one set of his grandparents live in the frickin' snow belt of Ohio with lake-effect snow to boot (did I just write 'to boot'???). I think he will see plenty of snow in his lifetime. :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Avery, Phone Home

Cute video of Avery talking to Grandma Sattelmeyer. He is quite the conversationalist. Hmmm...wonder where he gets that from??

In Da Club

Sooo...I had recently taken some still photos of Avery walking. Upon review, there was just something soooo familiar about these pictures to me.

Oh that's right, this is totally how Phil looks when he is busting a move on the dance floor. It must be the intense concentration required to not fall down. :)

Snow. Yuck.

This past weekend, I drove to Columbus, Ohio for Aunt Martina's bridal shower and bachelorette party. Umm, it got snowed out. See below. (We still had fun, though!)

While I was in Cold Country, USA, Avery was enjoying milder temperatures and spent some time at his Buddy Luke's house and hanging out with his Daddy. Apparently, my child can survive without me for four days. But I wouldn't expect anything less from him. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pop Lock and Drop It. Literally.

Kickin' it old-school with the corn popper...

Random Play

I'm too tired to think up any clever themes, so here is a bunch of random pictures. Enjoy!

Self-play with dogs "keeping watch" behind the living room barricade (BTW, this barricade did not last very long).
Sexy pose. Work it, Avery.
Playtime is fun.
Who the heck dressed me??? My sweater is too short and my pants are too long. Time to go through the closet again!
Yo-Yo Ma.
Mommy: "Yuck, get the hand sanitizer."
Avery: "Must...reach...pink...tongue...and pull..."
Willie: "I am up here on the high couch for a REASON."
Keep the hat on, Avery; we're Number 1!!!
Worn out from running away from Avery all day.
Playing with my bouncy toy. More fun when I'm not strapped in it.
My dad DOES rock....at Guitar Hero!
Ummm...scary face.
Woah, even scarier. I think he is coming to get me.
This is how the Legends play it.
This is how the Legends throw it.
Oh my gosh, I am so exhausted from rocking out.


Avery is Mr. Independent. Always has been and probably always will be. From Day 1 (literally), he has had his hands all over his source of nutrition (if you know what I mean). He gets very impatient when we feed him with a spoon...apparently, I don't hustle fast enough. So...I wanted to see what he would do if I gave him his own spoon.

As long as I have the food on the spoon and hand it to him, he understands that it is supposed to go directly into his mouth...most of the time.
Still impatient and wanting to eat directly from the bowl. I think he has watched his Daddy drink his cereal milk this way.
This is how I look after I eat too; but instead of being covered in cottage cheese, it's Haagen-Das icecream.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Major-ly Proud

Normally, I try to keep this blog just about our little guy, his daily events that make us proud and laugh out loud, and (occasionally) our two canines. However, I wanted to share with everyone a tremendous accomplishment of my older brother, David, AKA Uncle D-Satt.

Today, David was promoted to a Major in the United States Army. He's 31 years old. Did I mention he is also a Green Beret? For those of you who don't know David and randomly met him on the street, he would give you his realty business card and ask if you have a home you need to sell. He would proudly show you his books filled with pictures of homes he buys, renovates and rents out; homes he has successfully sold in the past year; and of course he would show you some pictures of his beautiful family. He would probably not once mention, nor would you guess, that your potential realtor is a West Point graduate, Ranger, and Special Forces Officer. He wouldn't let it slip that he can jump out of airplanes at very high altitudes even though he used to be afraid of heights. He would fail to inform you that in another life, he enjoys Subway's cold cut trio sandwiches and can "tear up" a burrito, chips and queso at Moe's, but when required, he can also survive in the wilderness for days eating only tree bark, wild vegetation, bugs, and lord knows what else (I don't ask). There are a million and one other things that he can do that would boggle the human mind, but I don't know what they are exactly. See, my point is, he doesn't talk much about that part of his life and most certainly wouldn't brag about it.

Soooo....I'm going to do it for him. Congratulations, Uncle D-Satt, for all of your professional accomplishments as a member of the United States Army. Thank you for your time and countless sacrifices that you selflessly make on a daily basis for the men, women, and children of our country. Thank you to your family, who support you and have to make sacrifices as well while you do your job. I don't say it enough, but I am so proud of all that you represent, all that you risk, and all that you DO everyday for us. We love you!