Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dressed to the Nines

One of my favorite childhood memories was playing dress-up with my great-Grandma Morgan's dresses and shoes.  Lucky for me, she was about 4'9", so most of her clothes fit me when I was in the 5th grade.  I thought it would be fun to let Kayla play dress-up with some of my clothes and jewelry one afternoon.  I used the opportunity to play around with the different settings on my camera and flash.  I keep saying this, but I will say it again: it is very hard to take pictures of little kids.  Oh yeah, and this activity lasted about 8 minutes.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Avery the Photographer

Avery has recently started to express his interest in photography.  I have been letting him use our little camera around the house, in order to facilitate his creative juices (and I'm hoping he will drop it and break it and I can get another one....just kidding, Phil?????).  He seems to be taking after his Pop Pop, Aunt Kelly, and Mommy (sometimes), in that he is getting to be pretty darn good at finding subjects to photograph, centering them on the camera, and even using the rule of thirds.  Look out, Annie Leibovitz...there's a new kid in town!!

These pics are taken by the photographer himself, Pop Pop.

And Batting for the Jean Team is....

Uncle Jon Jon taught Avery how to play baseball.  Avery is decked out in Cleveland gear...the greatest baseball team EVER (well, maybe not...but it sure gets Phil riled up when I say that!).

A Sattelmeyer Fourth of July

We had our fourth annual Sattelmeyer Fourth of July since we have moved down here.  The 'rents, David and his fam, and Jon and Luz, all came for a couple of days.  We had a great time!

Jean Siblings

My children occupying themselves with a box.  This is how I like to parent.
Enjoying their new beach chairs from the clearance aisle at Lowes.
Kayla thinks she is number one.  Avery, tell us how you feel about that.
Pool fun in the backyard.  This pool seemed a lot bigger last summer with just one small toddler in it...
Yes, that is a bite mark from Avery's baby sister.  Don't mess with her...she makes four teeth go a long way.
Monkey see, monkey do.
Ditto.  That's how I ended up with a 15 month old that could tell us when she needed to use the potty.
"So then I told Mommy...."
Playing a rousing game of cornhole in the backyard with the fam.
 Pop Pop took these pictures of the kids enjoying some fresh watermelon out on the porch.

Video 1: Entertaining the fam with a little song and interpretive dance.

Video 2: A reenactment of a pig's day of yore.