Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reader's Digest

Seriously, give me a challenge...
Aaahh, that's better!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Big Brother to Bee

Owl?? Hoo hoo.

After a trip to the SC Aquarium, Avery's new favorite word of the week is "Owl. Hoo hoo."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Avery's Toybox

There is nothing more fun than playing with a two year old (well, my two year old, anyways). Right now, Avery is really into his Thomas trains that were handed down to him from his oldest cousin, Eli; dancing to animal themed music; He-Man (thanks, Daddy); and his alphabet blocks.

I just love the look of intense concentration on Avery's face when he plays or looks at books sometimes. All he needs is a tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth and he would be the spitting image of his Daddy playing the banjo.

Avery LOVES the movie, Happy Feet. I made him the Happy Feet soundtrack to listen to in the car and he will dance and sing along to the music while I am driving. He even tells me which songs to skip (the same two songs EVERY time!). While I am happy for Avery's enthusiasm, I do enjoy the brief times I am in the car alone and can listen to non-penguin music.

Ninny & Grandaddy recently sent a huge box of Phil's childhood toys, including some He-Man "action figures" ( a deluded term that really means "dolls"). Phil and Avery have started watching some He-Man episodes from the 80's, thanks to good old Hulu. I have not been as much of a fan (I am more of a She-Ra kind of girl) because I think He-Man might be a bit "mature" for a 22 month old. But Avery takes these dolls--errrr, action figures---everywhere.

Here, Avery is sharing a snack with his He-Men.

One might wonder why there are two golf clubs on our living room fan. Well, Avery likes to use them as his He-Man swords and thwack the dogs with them, in his attempt to turn the dogs into "the mighty battlecat". But needless to say, our dogs remain dogs and don't magically grow four times their size and don a face shield and battle armor with a custom-made saddle on their backs. Only a true He-Man fan would know what I am talking about.

I love Avery's perseverance at trying to get his "swords" down. Unfortunately, Daddy is the only one who can reach these darn things.

I bought these blocks to help teach Avery the alphabet. He has a better idea and just stacks them and builds primitive houses with them. Watch the movie below...I don't know what's more making such a big deal about stacking a couple of blocks (it had been a long day, okay??) or Avery catching Mommy's enthusiasm at the end of the video.