Friday, January 3, 2014

A Cleveland Christmas

Here are some random photos from our trip to Cleveland for Christmas.
This was the kids' first night at MawMaw and PawPaw's house, after a 14 hour car ride with Mommy and MawMaw.  Even though the kids' behavior was EXCELLENT during this car trip, it was still the worst drive I have had in the five years of living down south, thanks to random traffic, a rock slide, a car fire, and then driving into a blizzard (my mom called it "light flurries") closer to Cleveland.  We were all super exhausted after our trip and fell right asleep.
This was the second night at my parents' house.  The kiddos had to be split up from each other.  But Avery still ended up sharing a bed. The next morning, it was pretty hilarious to hear his story about kicking Haley off the bed in the middle of the night.  Poor doggie.
Kayla and MawMaw Claus are making their lists and checking it twice...

 Kayla and I took a quick trip down to Columbus one day to see Aunt Janet and Aunt Martina, along with their toddlers (all similar to Kayla's age) and their two new babies!
 Introducing baby CJ and baby Jacqueline!
 We took Daddy to the "Dinosaur Museum" (The Cleveland Natural History Museum) one day.  Here, he is checking out the Low Country exhibit.  It was just like being in our back yard in South Carolina.
 Avery and Kayla made a new friend...Lucy.
 Kayla wearing some park ranger gear.
 The kids really enjoyed "fishing" from this boat.
Kayla and PawPaw playing one evening.
 Aunt Luz is awesome and brought the kids coloring books and crayons.  These kids love to color, draw, and paint!  That is not an inherited trait from me.
 Playing Dr. Suess's "I Can Do That!"game with the kids...
 ....before the fun adult games began later that night!
 Snuggles with Uncle Jon Jon one morning.
Taking a (quick) walk one afternoon.  Not sure whose bright idea this was.... :)
 The kids experienced snow in Cleveland....and also a day of 62 degree weather (if we had been at home, we would have been wearing shorts and tanktops, as it was over 80 degrees in Charleston that day).  We all really enjoyed this walk and the rarely-seen December sunshine!

 Snuggle time with Aunt Luz.  I think Loba the Dog is jealous.
 Enjoying a fun lunch with the Jean Team and Uncle Jon Jon and Aunt Luz.

 Kayla and Aunt Luz "having a moment", holding hands in the car.
 This was our ride home.  There was barely room to breathe in this car.  Another rough trip back.  I'm not sure how many more of these drives I have in me....I must be getting old.

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