Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Kayla!

Dearest Kayla,

Before you entered this world two years ago, I was informed that there was almost no more amniotic fluid for you to swim in....and yet you were hanging on, content to stay in your cave. And at 6:23 pm on February 28, 2011, it took two doctors to pull you out...something that might have been traumatic but was quickly forgotten once I heard "It's a girl!".  On some days, I think your birth represented how much you love your mommy...I mean, with 6/23 being my birthday and 2/28/11 being your daddy's and my ten year anniversary of when we met on spring break, so long ago.  However, on other days, I think your birth day was merely a sign of your future personality: confident in what you want in life with a boat-load of stubborness to back you up.  Girlfriend, you drive me crazy sometimes...and yes, I am blaming most of my grey hairs and the occasional need of an adult beverage before 5pm on you.  But I am so so SO in love with you and could not be more proud to call you my daughter.  I love the way you can dance at the drop of a hat, whether there is music playing or not....the way you have a "happy walk", that is half skip-half you boss around and terrorize your older brother one minute but can dole out the hugs and kisses to appease him the you use going to the potty as a bargaining tool....when your teachers at school tell me that "Kayla is in charge" you make tiny "lady spits" when brushing your teeth every you are so insistent that you are turning "six" on your second you always end up needing mommy to tuck you in at night....and of course, thousands of other tiny, minute things that make up each and every day we get to spend together.

Happy 2nd birthday, girl...I love you.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kayla's Best Dance Moves Of Last Year

A Fire....WHAT???

Everything's Just Beachy

Yes, I realize that in the past 4 years, I have probably used up all of the clever puns that my puny brain can come up with for going to the beach.  Please send suggestions ASAP.


I thought Kayla was being a drama queen, struggling to carry a bucket with approximately 2 inches of wet sand to the water's edge.  Then I picked it up the deceptively heavy bucket myself: my daughter is one determined young lady.
Falling face first into 50 degree F water is no laughing matter.  #worstmommyever

January in a Nutshell

Nothing too exciting has been going on in January...which is a nice change of pace for us.
Avery helped us make "rainbow noodles", a food that he has been obsessed with after seeing it on the cover of a parenting magazine last November.  Great way to get kids to eat pasta; not sure about about the health benefits (or lack thereof) of food coloring.
Mommy's Little Helpers.  Kind of.
Kayla the chef will be preparing our meal this evening.
Avery practicing his Spider Man and tumble gym skills.

Big brother sharing his umbrella with his little sister.  Too bad Mommy is getting soaked during this interaction.
Avery and Kayla have developed a case of sibling rivalry this month, meaning they fight just about ALL the time.  However, they occasionally have their moments of "playing nice" together.  Sidenote: I love how Kayla's 18 month pants now serve as capris.  Bonus!
Enjoying some beautiful weather in the beginning of January.
Buzz Lightyear is a playa-playa!
Piano ADD moment: "Garbage truck!!"