Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010


Last weekend, Avery visited Santa ("Ho-Ho") for the first time. I didn't think that Avery would sit on Santa's lap, due to a recent development of stranger-danger. However, after watching his buddies, Luke & Levi, brave the bearded man's red-cloaked lap, Avery proved me wrong and stayed on Santa's lap without crying. He even pulled through at the last minute and gave us a smile for his picture. I will never underestimate my child again. :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Boyz

Who loves Mommy?? Raise your hand!!!

Puff the Magic Wagon

No one can say Avery is not creative...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Where Has My Baby Gone?

So, here's the thing. I have always known that my child has an independent nature. Since birth-no, since in the womb-he has done his own thing on his own time. I have known this for forever. And while I do admire and respect Avery for displaying this quality, it can certainly try my patience from time to time. But nothing prepared me for the day when my 20 month old son looked me in the eyes, a determined look set on his face, and told me, clear as a bell, to "Go away".

One might ask, what were you doing at the time when your toddler decided to pull rank on you? Well, we had been coloring quietly and peacefully, lost in the world of Snoopy and Lucy, when Avery decided to take the green crayon from my hand and try out his artistic skills on some of our (very white) doors. Now, keep in mind, I politely asked him to return to the table to continue coloring. I even made a feeble attempt to redirect him with another toy. But I had been sick as a dog for a week and just didn't have any energy left to bust out with a SuperMom/Jedi mind trick, so I decided to just take the crayon out of his hands. And that is when he said it to me. Both of our hands were locked on that one chubby green crayon, direct eye contact was made, and if I had a video to replay, I am sure that we both bore identical stubborn expressions on our faces (after all, he gets this trait without doubt from his Mommy...Grandma and Grandpa can confirm, I am sure). And he said the phrase, "Go away", very slowly and deliberately, matching the exact same tone and cadence of speech that I use when I tell Haley a dozen times a day to get out of my personal space and go away. I expected to hear this phrase when Avery is 16...heck, I wouldn't even have flinched if I heard him say it at five. But 20 months is awfully young to be getting smart with your Mommy. As an independent-natured person myself, I guess I can't expect anything less from my boy.

Please enjoy the pictures below, as they capture some of Avery's autonomous moments...

No, I will tell Santa myself what I want for Christmas.I play with my zoo animals all by myself.Who needs Mommy and Daddy to read to me? Come here, Willie, I will tell you a tale. I don't think Mommy is ever going to get around to cleaning this dirty floor, so I better do it. So what if it is December? I want to play with my pool float!! Highchairs are for babies. I'm going to eat my breakfast at my big boy table. Elmo who?? Daddy and I watch He-Man now. By the power of Greyskull!!!Yup, these shoes are a good fit for me. I know you gave me a spoon, but I am more of a hands-on kind of guy. Chill out, Mommy.

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green

This poor frog.

Turkey Day for the Jeans

Well, it was a quiet Thanksgiving for the Jean Team this year. This is the first year in our lives that we are not traveling home for the holidays. My brother and his family from NC were going to celebrate Turkey Day with us, but Avery's inconveniently-timed pinkeye put a quick halt to that (man, I love daycare sometimes). As quiet as the day was, we still had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed having some much needed quality Jean Time together all weekend. Unfortunately, this holiday meal fell during one of Avery's picky eating phases, so all he ate for Thanksgiving dinner was pumpkin pie. The dogs, however, enjoyed their feast on the floor. That's my boy!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

The Cleveland Zoo rocks. And I'm not just saying that because they gave me a paycheck the summer before college. :)

Grandma and Avery at the zoo entrance. Avery is contemplating how to get out of his stroller. Checking out the rhinos.
Cleveland was gorgeous during our trip...sunny and sixties, with vibrantly colored leaves still on the trees. It (almost) made me nostalgic for my hometown....(I said almost, okay??).
Where's that polar bear??? Oh boy, there he is...and he looks hungry!
At the giraffe exhibit... Avery Jean, get out of those ropes!! Can you tell I'm close to panicking? Those giraffes were eyeballing us and getting a little too close for comfort. So, is this who taught Avery how to stick his tongue out?? Avery is making a run for it (big surprise...all I do is chase this child around). Avery lying on the ground...a super-awesome stunt he pulls when he knows someone is trying to pick him up.

Another Cleveland Trip

A couple of weeks ago, Avery and Mommy accompanied Grandma Sattelmeyer back to Ohio following her two month "vacation" in the Carolinas. While we were there, we visited with Great-Grandma Speck, Avery's second cousins and great uncle, Uncle Jon-Jon & Aunt Luz, Aunt Martina, and made a trip to the zoo. Unfortunately, Mommy didn't get to take many pictures, as she was too exhausted chasing Mr. Independent around. He is 19 months going on five. At the end of our visit, Avery and Mommy flew back to SC by ourselves. Sidenote to those traveling by plane this holiday season: if you are 6 and a half months pregnant and decide to wear an "oversized sweatshirt" in order to stay comfortable, TSA will give you a patdown. Holding up the line. In front of everyone. While you are still holding your toddler. I am never flying again. :)

"I heard that there is a never-ending supply of M&M's it true??"
Grandma Speck and Avery (who is eating M&M's for the first time).
Avery playing with a Fisher's Price zoo, which Mommy, Uncle David, and Uncle Jon-Jon all used to play with. I'm not sure what is more surprising: that this toy made it through three rather destructible children or that my Mom hung onto it for 30 years.
Hair-raising adventures on Mommy's old slide.
Playing with Grandpa.
Avery is in need of a nap...too bad he can't get past the gate to get to his crib upstairs.
Killing time at the airport. This kid can't sit still for a second.
"Where the heck are the buttons on this thing...hallo??"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Leave Me Alone

Pictures of our yard in Louisville during the fall season:

Pictures of our yard in South Carolina during "fall" season: