Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday, Avery!!

March 29, 2009
Even though you were an unexpected blessing in our lives, the first time I heard you cry on the night you were born, I thought to myself, "I have heard that cry...I know that cry...his name is Avery".  Watching our determined little boy grow and develop so much during his first year brought us so much happiness and joy.  I accepted the role of "mom" that year and I haven't looked back since. Thank you.

 March 29, 2010
You turned one and all of a sudden became a little person to us.  You showed compassion and empathy at such a young age, astounding strangers with your gentle awareness and sensitivity. Your humor and cheerful disposition have brightened our days since.  Thank you.
March 29, 2011
You became a big brother right before you turned two.  You welcomed your little sister into your home and your family with such love and graciousness.  Squabbles come and go but the fierce love and protectiveness for your sister has not.  Thank you.

March 29, 2012
Aaaah...the year you turned three.  With your speech much more developed this year, your words added a whole new dimension to your humorous antics.  You also started showing another element to your sweet and gentle personality: I will call it spunk and I will thank your sister for it.  But even with the new competitiveness and sibling rivalry this year brought, you still remained a gentleman through it all.  Thank you.

March 29, 2013
Four years with my Avery.  Four years with my little boy.  You are such a creative child, always developing unique stories and scenarios to act out, and finding tons of different ways to use your toys and all of the daily items that surround you.  You are so inquisitive and are constantly seeking to understand everything around you.  You have such a big heart and touch those around you.  Since your birthday four years ago, you are still bringing unmeasurable amounts of joy and light into our lives.  And for that, I thank you.

I love my little man.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Random March Photos

Avery and Avery playing games on my pink Kindle.
 Kayla getting acquainted (and a little rough) with baby Miles before he made an appearance!
 Avery rocking out the fire pole at the local fire museum.
 I asked the other day what Avery wanted to be when he was all grown up and he said "A fireman".  I was so proud...until a couple of minutes later when he edited his first answer: "No mommy, I want to be a robot".  Ummm....not sure what school would have that degree.....
 It doesn't matter where we go, Avery always manages to find a friend.

 Kayla getting a little ballsy in the big girl swing.  There is a reason why I am finding more and more greys in my hair....
 It's electric.
It sure has been ridiculously cold in Charleston this March, so when the sun was actually shining, we had to come prepared!

 Bubbles in the park.

 One of Avery's many lego creations.  The hard part is keeping Kayla from knocking them over.
 As long as you accessorize appropriately, it doesn't matter if you are wearing pants or not.
 Phil playing with three kids.  Not sure who is having the most fun.
 Dr. Kayla is "fixing" Daddy....with a little bit of lipstick and eyeshadow.
 Kayla was insisting on wearing Phil's socks and shoes one night.  They look like chaps.


Ice Cream Time

After a busy day of appointments, the kids and I took a trip to an ice cream parlor.  I don't think Kayla has had much (if any) icecream in her life, so it was fun to watch her reaction.  "Coooooold!!!!"

Siblings Reunited

After the boys came back from Kentucky (they were gone for five days), Kayla and Avery put all of their sibling rivalry aside that had been rampant in our house since Christmas and decided to pal up.  The peace and tranquility in the house only happened for a couple of days, but I enjoyed it while it lasted.

March Birthday Parties

 Kayla and I went to her bestie's birthday party while the boys were in Kentucky.  Marley turned two a couple of weeks after Kayla did.  The party was a cupcake theme and was super cute.  Check out the pictures of Kayla eating a cupcake below (I tried to demonstrate how long it took her to eat it) and note the chunk of paper missing from the cupcake wrapper after she finished it.


We went to a party for our Scottish friends' twins, who were born on St. Patrick's Day.  As my friend says,"God has a sense of humor".