Friday, June 26, 2009

Ninny & Grandaddy Jean

Best Buds

Haley is so smitten with our little guy...and vice versa. Note that Willie is nowhere to be seen in any of these photos. He eyes Avery the same way he eyes the frogs at nighttime around here...and we've seen what he can do to a frog. :(

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Macbook Photobooth Session

It's amazing what computers can do these days...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Baby Caterpillar

Yeah...we're those kind of parents. Let the embarassment begin. :)

A Party Marty Weekend

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bouncy Madness

After trying out a bouncy chair at a friend's house, we decided to get Avery the Fisher's Price Aquarium bouncy seat. This particular model, albeit several years old, is the most interactive bouncy seat out there (that I have seen, anyways) because it has a little "screen" where there is water that bubbles and fish that rotate. What more can you ask for in child entertainment?? There are also 2 plastic fish that dangle from the screen; when they are kicked, the screen lights up, plays music, and there is general aquatic fun in the air. After finding this bouncy seat at Once Upon a Child (consignment is the way to go when your child grows quickly or is particular about his entertainment choices), I have enjoyed watching Avery in his new bouncy chair. He has a BLAST kicking away at the toys and smiles and laughs the whole time. When I watch him, I forget that I am looking at a 10 week old infant kicking away at plastic representations of sealife; instead, I see a 10 year old boy playing a video game with such intensity and fierce concentration...a look that I only have seen mirrored on my husband's face when playing Guitar Hero with friends. I think that Phil may have a new videogame buddy for we just have to get a TV. :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trying to be creative

I'm trying to be more creative in my photo taking. I thought this one came out rather sweet...

Just another day at the beach

The Thinker

I caught Avery pondering a qualm...or maybe he was working out one of those advanced engineering equations that Daddy has been trying to solve...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hilarious Video!

This video is pretty funny when you watch Willie in the background. Jealous! You may want to watch it on mute, though....Phil sounds pretty goofy. He was making Avery laugh by....well, sounding goofy. Again, this is worth watching to see Willie alone. Needless to say, he is not the brightest dog...

Avery through the weeks

9 Weeks Old:

8 Weeks Old:

7 Weeks Old:

6 Weeks Old:

1 Week Old:

Which way to the gym??

Dogs for Sale!

Just kidding??

It's a Jungle Out There....

Meet our new "neighbors": deer, turtles, frogs, MORE FRICKIN' FROGS, and oh yeah...the ever poisonous Copperhead snake. I think it's time to put the fence up. :)

Uncle David & Fam

Athena's words of the weekend: "Tractor? Tree! Puh-pee?"