Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Last of Xmas Pics 2011

These are the last of our Christmas photos!!  I am an entire month behind in posting current pictures of my kids (how quickly they are both changing!! *Tear*).

Aunt Luz got her Christmas wish with Athena's "Snuggle Aunt Luz"...
 ...until she got dissed for "Snuggle Puppy".
 Ironically, Kayla is walking TOWARDS this walker...she definitely could use this thing!
 Bonding time with Gramps and Little D

 Uncle David's new IPad is a heck of a lot bigger and more exciting than Daddy's IPhone!
 Hang on tight, Grandma!!  We were very close by, in case Kayla broke one of Grandma's ribs or caused internal bleeding...this girl is T.O.U.G.H.
 Avery with Gramma Doris and Grandpa Armand.
 Kayla with her Auntie Luz.
 Maw Maw and the Jean kids.
 Loba says it all...we are all doggone tired at the end of the day!!

Sattelmeyers and Spouses

This is what cool people look like. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas Morning #3

Christmas morning #3 for the Jean Family was in Cleveland, Ohio...and actually on Christmas morning!  You would have thought that Avery would have been all "presented" out....but no, the fun was just beginning...

Jon and Luz arrived back to Cleveland on Christmas morning with Loba, who was feeling better.  Except her parents put these annoying shoes on her feet...
"Where is MY Christmas roll???"
Avery liked helping everyone else open their presents, but he wasn't too fond of Kayla opening his.
More trains for the collection!
Story to this photograph (that I just happened to take at the right time).  Phil did not know that Jonathan had (graciously) told Avery he could help open Jon's presents.  Phil tried to tell Avery to leave the presents alone.  Avery to Daddy: "I am HELPING Uncle JON-Jon!!"  Please note facial expressions and whose hand is on top of whose.
Obviously with thirteen people opening their gifts at one time, it was a little crazy Christmas morning.  Kayla was way overstimulated.  I also wanted to close my eyes and curl into the fetal position.
Nap time please!!
Kayla is investigating all of the piles of presents to find hers.

In the beginning, before there was mass chaos...

...and in the end.  Mass chaos.  Three siblings covered in wrapping paper.
Merry Christmas!!!

Little David's Baptism

Little David got baptized during our Christmas vacation at our home church, Our Lady of Peace, by the world's greatest priest, Father Gary.  Father Gary called the three Sattelmeyer siblings his "A-Team" when we used to be altar servers; he has married all of us (even traveling to Puerto Rico to marry Jon and Luz); and has baptized all of David's children....Father Gary rocks!  Avery was excited to "go see Baby Jesus", while Athena was eager to visit "Jesus's Castle" or "Jesus's Palace".  We had the church to ourselves, so the kids enjoyed looking at (or playing in) the nativity set, running up and down the long aisle, and enjoying the beautiful Christmas lights, candles, and pointsettas.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Jean's version of "A Christmas Story"

Just a reminder to all that the timeless "A Christmas Story" was filmed in Cleveland.  There is a reason why Ralphie and his brother were bundled up until they could barely move....IT IS FREEZING HERE!!

 Remember the tongue on the telephone pole incident???  Thank goodness this bar wasn't frozen...

A Christmas in Cleveland: 2011 Style

2011 marks the first year the entire Sattelmeyer family has been together for Christmas since the Christmas before Avery was born.  The cousins had a great time playing together and the Sattelmeyer siblings and spouses enjoyed catching up with one another.  In spite of some unforseen events (i.e. the stomach bug that traveled through the house; Jon & Luz's dog getting sick at doggy daycare in PA and needing to be rescued on Christmas Eve at the last minute), it still was an enjoyable visit and gave us lots of lasting memories for all families involved.

Avery & Paw Paw making reindeer out of Avery's shoe and hand tracings.

 Story time with Paw Paw and the boys.
 Avery loves his cousin Jon.
 Avery and Athena spent at least 20 minutes playing together and taking turns pulling each other in the wagon.  Please note that this wagon was not really built to hold and four and a two year old. :)

 A trip to our gradeschool's playground.

 My poor baby is not feeling well at all.  There was a lot of vomit during this vacation.
 Paw Paw and Jon making the traditional Christmas morning cinnamon rolls.  YUM.
 Blowing off some steam one morning at Chick-fil-A.
 We attended the Children's Mass on Christmas Eve.  Avery and Athena were brave enough to go up to the alter (with Daddy and Uncle David) to sit and listen to Father Gary's homily.
 Playtime with Uncle Phil.

 Kids on a couch.
I love how Avery and Athena are pelting each other with the ball.