Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Busy Bee on Day Three!!

Today is 4/1/09, L.B.'s projected due date. After a LONG attempt to enter the world early, L.B. Jean finally made his arrival in the operating room on Sunday, March 29th at 8:05pm, complete with a major conehead (just like his Daddy!!). L.B. was named Avery David and joined the Jean family at home on Tuesday, 3/31/09. He met his older "brother" and "sister" for the first time, who decided that now would be a great time to act out and prove that they can "talk" louder than Avery. Talk about a stressful first 24 hours at home!! On Avery's intended birthday, he was quite the busy bee! He visisted the doctor for the first time, took his first shopping trip to Babies R Us, met Gramps and Grandma Sattelmeyer, and had his first dinner out for fresh seafood in South Carolina! What a day! Hopefully, this busy day will help him sleep for more than an hour at a time tonight...

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