Friday, October 28, 2011

Steam Train

Last weekend, we woke up early in the morning and made a two hour drive to visit the South Carolina Railroad Museum, which is just north of Columbia. They were having a special visit from a steam train built in the 1930's that weekend. We thought Avery would love to ride on the train, as the boy is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine and all things train-related. The pictures below are slightly edited, as I chose not to include the pics of Avery crying for approximately 70% of the hour-long train ride. "Excuse me, Daddy....I wanna get off, Daddy...". Let's just say that no one on that train would have awarded us best-mother- and father-of-the-year award based on that trip. It could have been that we hyped the steam train up too much the week before, or we had to wake him up too early in the morning, or the whistle on the trains were too loud (I would choose the term "nerve-wracking", but that's just me), or maybe he's just two and a half and at this age, you never know what you are going to get on a daily basis. Kayla, on the other hand, loved the train ride, and tried to cheer Avery up by pulling his hair and sharing her toys. After the ride was over, Avery enjoyed visiting the exhibit car and other parts of the museum. And then cried when it was time to leave. Oh, to be two!

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