Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Avery

I can't believe that Avery is two years old. Was I not just giving him bottles and carrying him everywhere, like, yesterday???? Avery is such a great kid. I did not know that two year olds could be so frickin' awesome until I had one. He can be full of spirit and spunk, making batty eyes and funny gestures to the blonde cutie patootie two year old sitting at the table next to us one night out at dinner. Or he can be so sweet and loving and gentle with his little sister, showering her with slobbery kisses and foot tickles and not complaining when he gets a handful of hair pulled in return ("No no, Taco...Let go, Taco"). And then he can be quietly proud of his proud, that he puffs his chest out, grows two inches taller, and tries to contain a big grin so that all you see on his face is this little smirk. He is growing so much these past several months, doing "big boy" tasks like taking off his clothes, letting the dog in and out of the back door ("Hadey Hadey, outside, go potty, go outside"...complete with finger pointing and hands on hips, just like his Mom), and brushing his teeth past the point of just sucking the toothpaste off of the brush. The coolest thing, however, is watching how creative he is getting when he plays by himself or with us. He can entertain himself for hours with his trains, categorizing them by type of car or color, or seeing how many trains he can put together and still be able to wind it around his little track. My favorite game that he recently came up with was what I like to call "Daddy and Baby Alligator and Daddy and Baby Cement Truck". There are many variations of this game that are equally hilarious. Maybe you have to be there. Or maybe you just have to think like a two year old. :)

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