Sunday, August 29, 2010

Potty Humor

It doesn't take much to entertain my child, as is depicted by the pictures below. Ironically, Avery had been "reading" his potty training book that morning. This book was a hand-me-down from someone and the main character in the book who teaches you how to use the potty is actually a girl. This could be a confusing concept in the future, but Avery cracks up every time he presses the button that simulates the sound of a toilet flushing and a little girl giggling, so I keep it around for his (and my) entertainment. So anyways, that morning after playing with his potty book, he randomly decided to visit the toilet section of our bathroom and pull the toilet paper off of the roll, an activity he has never done before. Total coincidence? Or was he influenced by his pee-book? That's for you to decide. I personally think he is practicing for the future when he and his friends go TP'ing (or "rolling", which is what Phil insists it is called in the south). Note to Avery: I am not condoning this activity when you get older. This post better not come back to haunt me. :)

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