Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome to My Crib.

Once upon a time, a little baby named Avery loved to sleep in his crib. He felt safe at home in his baby bed and was content to lay there and sleep (most of the time).
Then that little baby Avery started growing up. He learned how to roll all around the crib, which always surprised Mommy in the morning when she found him in a different position than when she laid him down the night before. But he was still content to sleep in his crib.
After a while, baby Avery started becoming a "big boy" and learned how to move onto all fours, crawl, sit up, and kneel. He liked his newfound mobility so much that he started practicing in his crib. He was so intent on wanting to perfect his new skills that he decided to cut into his naptime just a little bit in order to keep practicing.
Well, that wasn't enough. Baby Avery wanted to prove that he was a hot shot so he started pulling up and standing up in his crib. Naptime became a thing of the past. Who would want to sleep when you can stand up instead? Mommy learned that just because the baby monitor sat silent, that did not mean that a certain someone was sleeping. Mommy would tiptoe up the stairs and peek into his dark and quiet bedroom only to be quite surprised to find Baby Avery standing there just looking at the door or using his beautiful crib as a very expensive teething toy.
In the end, naptime may be hard to come by these days, but Mommy doesn't mind too much. Who can resist a greeting like this as soon as you walk through the door??

Hopefully, this child will not figure out how to climb out of his crib...then we're really in trouble!

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