Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bouncy Madness

After trying out a bouncy chair at a friend's house, we decided to get Avery the Fisher's Price Aquarium bouncy seat. This particular model, albeit several years old, is the most interactive bouncy seat out there (that I have seen, anyways) because it has a little "screen" where there is water that bubbles and fish that rotate. What more can you ask for in child entertainment?? There are also 2 plastic fish that dangle from the screen; when they are kicked, the screen lights up, plays music, and there is general aquatic fun in the air. After finding this bouncy seat at Once Upon a Child (consignment is the way to go when your child grows quickly or is particular about his entertainment choices), I have enjoyed watching Avery in his new bouncy chair. He has a BLAST kicking away at the toys and smiles and laughs the whole time. When I watch him, I forget that I am looking at a 10 week old infant kicking away at plastic representations of sealife; instead, I see a 10 year old boy playing a video game with such intensity and fierce concentration...a look that I only have seen mirrored on my husband's face when playing Guitar Hero with friends. I think that Phil may have a new videogame buddy for we just have to get a TV. :)

1 comment:

  1. You don't have at TV??? Someone call child services!!! Who is gonna babysit the kid....TV is the answer!!!

