Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kayla's Soccer Season: Fall 2014

Kayla played soccer for the second time this year.  The first season was rough, as she didn't start enjoying playing and listening to the coach until almost the end of the season.  On the day of her first practice during this new season, it looked like she was going to do the same thing again.  She was reluctant to get dressed and sat out most of the practice, just watching everyone.

 However, Coach Fred (who is the most amazing coach, by the way) eventually drew her out onto the field.  By the end of practice, she was glued to Coach Fred's side.  He even let her stay for the next practice and had her show the next team all of the drills.
Kayla loved the soccer practices.  She was by far the toughest girl on the team (there was a total of two, haha), and she could keep up with the biggest of the boys.

Games were a little different.  Kayla tended to hang back and follow the clump of three year olds chasing the ball (anyone who has watched three year olds play soccer knows exactly what I am talking about).  She didn't like to take the ball away from anyone (I guess we taught her well???).  However, once that ball was fair game and there was no one around to take it from her, she was a machine!  I think for a three year old, she had pretty great dribbling and maneuverability skills.  And every goal she kicked was with her left foot.

Kayla was so smitten with Coach Fred, constantly hugging him and following him around.  In this picture, she was taking a rest break in between plays but kept a hand on Coach's leg the entire time.
 Kayla was so excited to get her second trophy and medal!
 Here are a couple of videos of Kayla playing soccer:

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