Monday, September 9, 2013

Highschool Friends and Their Offspring

The kids and I visited with my highschool friends Karola and Maria and their families a couple of times.  We hadn't seen each other since last May, so it was fun to see how grown up all of the kids were.
Avery helping Mr. Harvey fill up the pool.
These kids just wanted to strip and jump in the pool, understandably.  I admire their restraint and listening skills. 
Kayla and Solveig.  I try not to project myself onto Kayla, but this picture pretty much sums up Karola's and my personalities in highschool.  This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Cute little Jude...already displaying musical skills from his naturally talented and classically trained parents.
Kids love balloons.

Getting four kids to look at the camera at one time is like playing the game, "Whack-a-Mole".  No matter how fast you are, you only get one or two at a time. (I'm not sure that an analogy that involves the senseless beating of innocent rodents with a sledgehammer is the most appropriate to use here...but oh well).
Beautiful Solveig.  Such a smart little girl.
And you can see where she gets all of that from!
Karola keeping the kids entertained with a game of "got your belly buttons!"....
...which is a game I think she ended up losing.
Karola kept her audience of all ages enraptured while translating Solveig's children books that are written in German and French.  Funny story: note Solveig's hand resting on Karola's leg.  Kayla later put her own hand on Karola's leg in the same spot, which upset Solveig greatly.  "Nein!  Meine Momma!  Nein!".  Kayla brazenly kept eye contact with Solveig and left her hand resting where it was.  That was such a.....Kayla move.  This child....

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