Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Clean Chompers

Avery had another trip to the dentist....which would be no big deal except that it coincided with Kayla's first dental appointment.  As I figured, she wanted to have nothing to do with these crazy people sticking their hands in her mouth.  No one got bit, but she had to lie on my lap while they examined her and she cried a lot.  Can't say I blame her.
Here is a look at Avery's dentist trips over the last year and a half (yes, I was a horrible mother and did not take my child to the dentist until he was three.  Sue me).
Avery, 3 y/o
Avery, 3.5 y/o
Avery, 4 y/o

Over the past three visits, Avery has grown increasingly comfortable at the dentist:
He started out just sitting up in the chair when he was three years old.
At three and a half years old, he compromised and agreed to lie down in the chair, but never moved from his side.
Finally, at four years old, he immediately walked in and splayed himself out on the chair like he had been doing it his whole life.  It was pretty funny.  This kid has a fantastic memory and had probably been mentally preparing himself for this very moment.  Well done, Avery!
He looks so grown up here!!
This is the only picture I could get of Kayla during her first dentist visit.  I fear for these people next time when Kayla actually KNOWS what to expect.

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