Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Who knew that Halloween, the goofiest of all holidays, could be so stressful??? First, you have to pick out cool costumes for your kids. Then, you have to actually get them to wear the darn things. This year, Avery was Sir Topham Hat, the fat railway conductor from the Thomas the Tank Engine series. We had been building this costume up for almost two months, putting piece by piece together. Avery was super excited about Sir Topham's tophat and his jacket. However, when the big day arrived for his Halloween party at daycare the Friday before Halloween, Avery refused to put his costume on (or even go to the party). We were so disappointed! But on Halloween, we kept our fingers crossed and our breath held. It was a miracle! We slowly got Avery in his costume, one item of clothing at a time, and he ended up having a blast hamming it up with the neighbors and trick or treating around block with Daddy. And for only going around our little loop of houses, Avery sure got a haul of candy!! One of the first things he said the next morning was, "Where is my candy? I want my candy, Mommy!"

Kayla also enjoyed her first Halloween. She was a princess/fairy/ballerina/my-mommy-didn't-bother-to-buy-me-a-costume baby. She also got a couple of pieces of candy and her fair share of attention. We can't wait for next year!

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