First of all, because your baby is no longer riding around in his infant carrier while you run your gazillion errands, it means that he is no longer in the protective "bubble" that has symbolically existed since birth. I think that most strangers understand that a baby in an infant carseat means "look, but don't touch". Therefore, I am not forced to tell them "do not to touch my child or I will rip your heart out and eat it in front of you"....they get it just by looking at the carseat. However, once your child can not fit into that priceless carseat, he has to take on public life by riding in shopping carts, sitting in highchairs at restaurants, and hanging out in your arms while you run to the post office for stamps or the gas station to play the lottery (come's the Powerball!!). This means he is exposed to the WORLD...and all of the world's filth!!! He is out there for all to see! If you have an interactive child (or flirtatious child, in Avery's case), then your baby is practically inviting strangers to come over to look, talk, and potentially TOUCH them. Yikes!! This is frightening to a mom...especially during flu season and at TJ Maxx's clearanced layaway sales!! I am struggling to come up with a polite and funny yet direct way of saying "get your grubby paws off of my child". Somehow, I just can't sugarcoat that phrase in my brain or out loud, as much as I want to.
More poignantly, your child moving from his infant carseat to the big carseat is such a milestone because it means your baby has exceeded a particular weight and/or length limit for the infant seat that he has occupied since birth. This in turn means that he is no longer a newborn or "little baby" anymore. He is now growing up, getting older, and marching (crawling) towards late infancy and toddlerhood. One day, it's the big thing you know, it's college graduation. Better keep playing that Powerball!
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