One might ask, what were you doing at the time when your toddler decided to pull rank on you? Well, we had been coloring quietly and peacefully, lost in the world of Snoopy and Lucy, when Avery decided to take the green crayon from my hand and try out his artistic skills on some of our (very white) doors. Now, keep in mind, I politely asked him to return to the table to continue coloring. I even made a feeble attempt to redirect him with another toy. But I had been sick as a dog for a week and just didn't have any energy left to bust out with a SuperMom/Jedi mind trick, so I decided to just take the crayon out of his hands. And that is when he said it to me. Both of our hands were locked on that one chubby green crayon, direct eye contact was made, and if I had a video to replay, I am sure that we both bore identical stubborn expressions on our faces (after all, he gets this trait without doubt from his Mommy...Grandma and Grandpa can confirm, I am sure). And he said the phrase, "Go away", very slowly and deliberately, matching the exact same tone and cadence of speech that I use when I tell Haley a dozen times a day to get out of my personal space and go away. I expected to hear this phrase when Avery is 16...heck, I wouldn't even have flinched if I heard him say it at five. But 20 months is awfully young to be getting smart with your Mommy. As an independent-natured person myself, I guess I can't expect anything less from my boy.
Please enjoy the pictures below, as they capture some of Avery's autonomous moments...
No, I will tell Santa myself what I want for Christmas.
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