Woah. Totally unnecessary rant. I hope I become much cooler before Avery hits junior high.
Anyways, we took Avery to the ooh-la-la fancy schmancy "salon" that Daddy goes to: Sports Clips! I thought that Avery would do better if he sat on my lap, but the stylist suggested that we try him sitting independently on a booster first. Ouch lady...cut the cord, why dontcha?? To my surprise, Avery did just fine sitting without his mommy (oh, the pain!). Of course, watching a Sesame Street music video on Phil's I-Phone, being bribed with a lollipop for the first time, and having tons of pretty ladies flirting with him helped some. As good as Avery was during the cut, he stayed true to his personality and was very clear when trim-time was over. My boy holds fast to his beliefs...No means no.
Final random sidenote for the evening: apparently, your child's first haircut is free at Sports Clips. Yup, I'm going to be that Mom who drags her seven year old there with a camera and fake tear in her eye just to avoid a 10 dollar bill. Avery, let the embarassment begin!
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