Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Avery the Handful

I am not sure how anyone else organizes digital photos of their children on their computer. When Avery was born, I had a folder for each week of his life and then subfolders representing specific activities or themes that occurred during that week. Now that Avery is older, I have toned down on some of the picture taking (ha), and I have monthly folders with subfolders in each one. I had to chuckle to myself the other day when I was perusing the 13 Months Old folder and realized that I had a subfolder labeled "Avery is a Handful". That pretty much sums it up. It's nothing against Avery...he is simply a 13 month old BOY. Here are some pics that can be found in that folder...

This glider has been a part of Avery's life since birth. Whenever I hear the music from this toy, nostalgia hits and I am transformed back to those first couple of weeks when Avery was a brand new infant rocking and sleeping in the glider throughout the day. When we moved from our apartment to our house, it became a semi-permanent fixture in the bathroom so I could take a shower and keep my eye on Avery. Once he figured out how to wiggle his way out of the glider (with the seatbelt on, mind you), the glider then turned into a toybox that held all of Avery's toys required to entertain him when I was getting ready in the mornings. HOWEVER, when your kid is old enough to use the glider as a step stool to reach the bathtub faucets, it is time to pack it up and put it away in the attic!!

Avery's new toybox: the oven drawer. Interesting sidenote: I recently caught him trying to climb into the drawer.
Avery takes 5 second "catnaps" during late afternoon playtime. I use this brief interlude of peace and quiet to catch my breath and prepare for the next whirlwind of activity. By the way, does anyone else miss the day they were this flexible?

"It's my kid in a box!" (SNL reference)

A short video of one of our daily dance-offs.

Aaaah, peace and quiet! At the end of the day, Avery is still my little baby boy.

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