My kids are awesome. **Warning: There is going to be some major "braggage" going on in this post.**
Kayla Elizabeth: My girl rocks. Just last week, she learned the consonant "M" and started making the obligatory "mamamamamamama" babble for just about everything. However, in the past several days, she has been very selective with her newfound speech and only says "mama" when I am around. I thought it was just my imagination or wishful thinking, but the day when I walked past her four times when she had her arms outstretched to be picked up and she started crying and saying "Mama", I thought otherwise. Now she says Mama all of the time when I am around, although it is mostly to get something she wants. So even if she has not named me Mama yet, it just goes to show that she has figured out how to manipulate her poor mother into getting whatever she wants. And also that I am a sucka.
On the physical side of things, Kayla started taking her first steps on Thanksgiving night. She can step anywhere from 2 to 5 steps at a time and is always so proud of herself when she does. Other than learning to walk, she is throwing her body everywhere, trying to tackle Avery or her parents, she can race up the stairs almost as fast as Avery, and she tries so hard to climb up on or over just about anything. I have a prediction to make: Kayla is going to be out of her crib long before Avery will be (Avery is just fine and very content in his crib, thank you very much...).
Avery David:Where do I begin with this kid??? Talk about awesome... Avery's language has always been a bit behind his age...well, not anymore! Even though his pronounciation still needs some work, this child will talk your ear off. It is very interesting to finally be able to ask about what happens at school; he can actually answer open-ended questions and tell us things like "Jackson hit Graham" or "Avery make snowflake" or "Avery drink coffee"...the last one was later clarified as "
Miss Kara drink coffee", but we will keep our eye out on that one. Avery tells
us stories at night, most of which are pretty creative and have a humor element to them too. When he makes his block creations, he calls them "awesome" or "cool". And he keeps an eye out on Kayla, as well...."Taco tired, Mommy, Taco go take nap, Mommy". Here is a funny story from yesterday: Avery was looking through all of his Thomas trains and asked where Dash and Ferdinand were. I said, "Umm, Avery, we don't
have Dash and Ferdinand". He thought about this for a couple of seconds and responded, "Dash and Ferdinand at store, Mommy". "Yes, Avery, Dash and Ferdinand are at the store". Without a second's hesitation, he replied with a completely straight face, "I go to store, Mommy".
What?? He has figured out how to obtain new toys?? Trying to distract him and prolong the inevitable train purchase, I told him that maybe Santa Claus would bring him Dash and Ferdinand for Christmas. Avery walked away and played with his toys with his eyebrows furrowed...I could tell he was deep in thought. About five minutes later, he came up to me, grabbed my hand, and said, "I go see Santa Claus, Mommy". So yes, he and Daddy made the first trip of the season to go see Santa at the mall last night. Daddy had to ask Santa for Dash and Ferdinand due to Avery acting shy, but Avery was so happy afterwards. He must have complete faith in Santa, because he hasn't asked for these trains since.
Avery has also been working on his potty training. I'm not really sure how anyone potty trains their kids when they aren't in daycare/school, but maybe it's just my child who has a bit of a control issue. He would go just fine at school (peer pressure, everyone is doing it) but then he would refuse to go at home. For the past two weeks, we have been sending him to school in big boy underwear and he has come back every single day in the same clothes and dry underwear! That transition has slowly helped him be more willing to potty at home, because who wants to pee all over Thomas and Percy underwear?? In just the past couple of days, Avery has actually initiated saying he has to go potty on his own. And as of last night, every single time he goes to the bathroom now, he holds up a finger, tells us to "STAY", shuts the bathroom door, and goes potty independently. Avery is large and in charge.
All right, that's all the bragging I have (for today, anyways). Love to everyone this holiday season. We'll see some of you guys soon!!!!