Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Avery!

Birth Day, 3/29/09 1st Birthday, 3/29/10 2nd Birthday, 3/29/11

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Essence of a Two Year Old

In honor of Avery's second birthday tomorrow, here is a short video of what it is like living with a two year old.

Happy 1 Month Old, Kayla!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Choo Choo Birthday

A while back, my friend Rebecca suggested that we combine Avery and Luke's birthday parties this year, as they are only three weeks apart. We hurried up and went shopping for birthday decorations in early February, "before the baby was born" (haha, what a joke). We chose Thomas the Tank for the theme, as both boys love Thomas. Apparently, the boys had another idea in mind, but like most good parents, we ignored them.
I feel bad, because Rebecca put way more time and effort into this birthday party than I did. Worst mother ever. I will make it up the the boys next year, I swear!!
Choo choo balloons.
Every kids' party I have been to always seems to have the obligatory baby sleeping in the corner. Here is mine.
I am not sure whether Phil and Avery collaborated on their matching outfits for the party or not. Either way, neither would go change. Twinsies!
A backyard full of boys.
"Whee!!!!" Daddy is working off that beverage he is holding in his hand.
Kayla getting a "teet teet" from her older brother (teet teet is a kiss-kiss and usually involves Avery touching his forehead to someone).
The birthday boys chowing down on some yummy cupcakes.
I don't think Avery's eating skills have evolved very much since his first birthday.
Kayla makes a new friend.
The boys were having more fun playing in Levi's bedroom and didn't want to come open up their presents.
Kayla's first party favor!! How sweet!!!
A special thanks to Rebecca for stepping up to the plate and making my child's second birthday memorable and fun, when his mommy couldn't. You rock!!

The Jean Team

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jean Grandparents

Ninny & Kayla
The Jean kids getting love from their grandparents.
I love Ninny.
Girls shopping trip (Kayla is in the carseat behind us).
First dinner out since Kayla was born (to be more honest, since Avery started acting like a two year old!). Both of my kids were very well behaved! Avery loved the live music and cheered the loudest at the end of each song.Mommy & Kayla.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy 3 Weeks Old!

Fun facts about Kayla's birth 3 weeks ago:
1) Kayla was born on the exact same date that Phil and I met in Panama City, FL at a bus stop on spring break TEN YEARS AGO!
2) Kayla was born at 6:23pm...my birthday is 6/23.
3) Kayla was known as Baby Girl Jean for over 24 hours because we could not agree on a name. Coincidentally, last week I was emptying out a purse to donate to Good Will and found the name, Kayla Elizabeth Jean, written in an old notebook. I have not used this purse since I was pregnant with Avery!!
4) Kayla did NOT want to come out to play on her birthday (OUCH). And she has yet to lose her umbilical cord stump three weeks later. Kayla loves Mommy.
5) Kayla Elizabeth Jean rocks!! We are so happy she is here!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photos of My Children

Here are some random photos of "my kids" from this past week. It is funny...once you add that second child to the family, you go from having "an Avery" to having a family. Crazy.

This was our first family outing with our two kids together. Kayla was almost 2 weeks old in this picture, how sad. While I had no problem getting out and about when Avery was born (because apparently, your newborn needs to visit the beach twice in his first two weeks of life), we have been a little bit slower introducing Kayla to the fine world of South Carolina. The two year old in the picture makes things just a little bit more tricky this time around... :)
Our first family outing was to...The Walmart! How much more redneck can you get??
Our second family outing was to the outlet mall! Much to Phil's dismay, I am slowly introducing Kayla to the wonderful world of shopping.
Still living at home...freeloader?? J/K. We'll keep her. :)
Look at my chunky monkey filling up her carseat!
More please!
My children rock. :)
No matter how hard I try to position Kayla and keep her stretched out, within seconds she will curl herself back up into a little ball. Must not have been much room in Mommy's tummy for her!

Rocket Man

And the award for Father of the Year goes to my husband, Phillip Jean, for building a "rocket ship" out of an empty diaper box and decorating it with Avery. My favorite touch was the "bumper stickers" that say "I love Mom" and "Honk for Milk, Not Doggies". My boyz rock!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Avery Meets Kayla

Here are some videos from Kayla's first day home from the hospital. Avery was so excited and "talking" up a storm! You can not fully appreciate how quickly a two year old can move until you take him to a petting zoo or introduce him to a newborn, haha. For those curious, Avery's enthusiasm has worn off after almost two weeks. Kayla is lucky if she gets a "Hi baby" or "Ka-Ka" anymore...she hears a lot more, "No baby! No baby!!" I wonder if David was this way when I came home from the hospital as an infant to claim my rightful throne as Most Awesome Sattelmeyer Child? Most likely, yes!

Who Wore It Best?

(Yes, I steal my blog themes from People magazine...)

Is it...

Avery Jean, 3 weeks old:


Kayla Jean, 1 week old:
Cast your votes!