Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Potty Training
Okay, first of all, apparently you can't take your eyes off of my child for 20 seconds because that is literally how long it took him to run into the bathroom and climb up onto the toilet with TWO supervising adults around.
Second, we are no where near ready to use the potty. Avery uses his training potty as a functional step stool, a lounge chair to stop and rest on when he is tired playing, or as a giant puzzle (he likes to take the pieces apart and fit them back together). And when you ask him if he needs his diaper changed (when it is VERY obvious that he does), he just shakes his head, says no, and runs away as fast as he can. As eager as I am to get this boy out of diapers soon, if there is one thing I have learned with Avery, it is that he will do things when he is good and ready to do them. And I totally respect that. :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Randomness of Avery Jean
Note the title of this book. Hopefully, Mommy has not taught Avery the few choice words that are saved for the dogs when they are acting up...only time will tell. :)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Happy New Year! 2011!
Simulated rock climbing??
Luke patiently waits his turn to demonstrate his mad climbing skills.
Avery showing off his moves on the slide.
This is what four boys on one slide looks like....just a little bit of congestion!
Who is the genius who bought these extremely noisy and overstimulating clackers???
Avery is down with the clacker, but unsure about his New Year's "tiara".
Rockin' out the New Year's hat. Much more manly.
I think this poor dog was as tired and overstimulated as I was!
Happy New Year's!